Yoga is known to help keep body weight at bay and helps to get rid of certain diseases. But most of us don't know that yoga helps keep bones strong and healthy. In this article, we will see the top 10 Yoga poses for bones health
Our bones reach their maximum density until we reach 30. After 30, the bones begin to lose density in both men and women. And, that causes the risk of contracting osteoporosis.
Our bones are constantly breaking and building, and sometimes the damage is greater, which fails to heal or rebuild itself. However, many research studies have shown that yoga is the answer to osteoporosis.
When there is enough pressure on the bones and yoga is practiced with some intensity, the bones remain healthy and have the ability to heal and maintain the risk of losing bone density. And, therefore, it avoids the risk of contracting osteoporosis.
In addition to food, the movement also plays a key role in keeping bones healthy. The list of yoga poses that help keep bones healthy and strong is mentioned below:
The tree pose is one of the best poses to maintain bone health. Holding this pose for 1 minute every day on both sides is said to help strengthen bones.
This yoga posture helps improve the flexibility of the spine and helps relieve gastritis when practiced regularly. In addition, it is considered very useful for people with weak bones, a sitting position helps improve bone density when practiced regularly.
Our bones reach their maximum density until we reach 30. After 30, the bones begin to lose density in both men and women. And, that causes the risk of contracting osteoporosis.
Our bones are constantly breaking and building, and sometimes the damage is greater, which fails to heal or rebuild itself. However, many research studies have shown that yoga is the answer to osteoporosis.
When there is enough pressure on the bones and yoga is practiced with some intensity, the bones remain healthy and have the ability to heal and maintain the risk of losing bone density. And, therefore, it avoids the risk of contracting osteoporosis.
In addition to food, the movement also plays a key role in keeping bones healthy. The list of yoga poses that help keep bones healthy and strong is mentioned below:
Top 10 Yoga poses for bones health
Vrksasana or the tree pose for bones health
The tree pose is one of the best poses to maintain bone health. Holding this pose for 1 minute every day on both sides is said to help strengthen bones.
Steps to practice Vrksasana or tree pose
- To practice Vrikshasana, stand upright on the floor or on the yoga mat.
- Raise your arms above your head.
- Place your hands on your head to bring both palms together.
- From this position, pull the left leg out of the knee and place it on the inside of the right thigh and rest there.
- Close your eyes if you are an advanced practitioner and focus on the center of the eye.
- Stay in this position for a few breaths.
- Staying in this position for 1 minute every day is beneficial for your bones.
- Release the pose and stay upright. Practice from both sides.
Utkatasana or chair posture
This yoga posture helps improve the flexibility of the spine and helps relieve gastritis when practiced regularly. In addition, it is considered very useful for people with weak bones, a sitting position helps improve bone density when practiced regularly.
Steps to practice Utkatasana or chair pose
- Stand in Tadasana on the floor or on the yoga mat.
- Bring the big toes closer to each other The heels should be slightly apart from each other.
- While practicing Utkatasana or the chair pose, you should press the lower abdomen inward.
- Move the bones in your shoulders and widen your chest.
- Inhale deeply and bring your arms above your head.
- Bend your knees and push down on your pelvis, making it look like you are sitting in an imaginary chair while practicing Utkatasana or chair pose.
- Keep in mind when maintaining the pose, and keep your spine lengthened while practicing Utkatasana or the chair pose.
- There is the option of keeping the arms above the head to keep them straight in front of the shoulders.
- The thighs should always be parallel to the ground while practicing Utkatasana or the chair pose.
- Remain in this pose for a few breaths.
- Inhale and keep your knees parallel to the ground while practicing Utkatasana or chair pose
- Exhale deeply and leave the standing posture.
This yoga posture helps maintain healthy bones by stimulating bone production and helps avoid severe injury. Stretching helps build bones that prevent them from fracturing due to minor injuries.
Steps to practice Bhujanagasana or the cobra pose
- Lie on your stomach with the top of your feet and your chin resting on the floor.
- The legs should be close to each other with the heels and the feet lightly touching each other.
- Place your palms down so that your palms rest on the floor directly below or slightly off your shoulders.
- While practicing Bhujangasana, the elbows should be kept parallel to each other and close to the body.
- While inhaling deeply, gently lift your head, chest, and abdomen.
- In this position, the navel and pelvis should be touching the ground.
- Bring your shoulders back and down and lean back toward your head. Close your eyes in this position and remain in the pose for a few breaths.
- As you exhale, gently release the pose and return to the starting position.
- Relax with your hand stretched out and your chin resting on the floor
Setu Bandasana or the bridge pose
Setu bandana or bridge pose is a therapeutic pose for osteoporosis. This yoga posture helps relieve osteoporotic pain in people. Helps stretch the back, chest, neck, and spine. Maintains the general health of the body.
Steps to practice Setu bandana or bridge pose
- Lie on your back on the yoga mat.
- Bend your knees so that the soles of your feet rest on the floor.
- The arms should continue to rest straight on either side of your body while resting in this position.
- Raise your lower back off the ground. If you feel comfortable, raise your mid-back and upper back very slowly.
- The pressure in this position should be on the shoulders, arms, and heels.
- Bring your chin in to touch your chest and rest in this position for a few breaths.
- This is the final pose of Setu Bandasana.
- Release the pose by stretching your legs on the floor or on the yoga mat.
- Relax in Shavasana.
Virabhadrasana I or the warrior I yoga poses for bones health
This yoga pose is very easy to practice, but it has a lot of benefits. Helps maintain healthy bones by stimulating bone production and helps prevent severe injury. Stretching in this yoga posture helps build bones that prevent fractures from minor injuries.
Steps to practice Virabhadrasana I or The Warrior I Pose
- Stand in Tadasana or Mountain Pose on the yoga mat.
- Take your feet to rest away from each other. The distance should be more than the width of the shoulders.
- Rotate the right foot outward and the left foot slightly in the direction of the left foot to begin entering Virdhadrasana I.
- Raise your arms above your head and remain in this position while breathing deeply.
- Now, turn your torso to the right, turn your face to look to the right side.
- Hold this position for a few breaths.
- Bend your right leg so that your thigh is parallel to the floor as you exhale.
- Your knee should be in a straight line or placed directly on the heel.
- This is the final pose of Veerabhadrasana.
- Stay in this position for a few breaths or for as long as you feel comfortable.
- Release the pose and stand in Tadasana.
Ardha Matsyendrasana or the sitting spinal twist pose
This yoga posture twists the body to keep bones healthy and strong and give the body a great stretch. It also helps to relax the back and neck, thus relaxing the body after a tiring day.
Steps to practice Ardha Matsyendrasana or the sitting spinal twist pose
- Dandasana sit on the yoga mat.
- From Dandasana, raise the right leg and place it on the outside of the left leg, in addition to the left knee.
- Now bend the left knee and place the heel of the left leg to touch the right hip on the side.
- Place your right arm behind your back as you inhale deeply.
- From this position, take your left arm up, bring your left arm up, and place it on your right knee.
- Try touching the left knee or the right foot with the palm of the lower arm.
- Bend the spine to the right so that you feel a stretch in the side and in the spine.
- Turn further to the right starting from the lower torso to the chest while exhaling deeply.
- Keep your head to one side while stretching in this position.
- Stay in this position for a few breaths.
- Release the pose by straightening your head and neck so they look straight.
- Sit back in Dandasana and rest for a few seconds and practice Ardha Matsyendrasana on both sides.
Salabasana or the locust pose
Steps to practice Salabasana or the locust pose
- Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat.
- To practice the Locust pose, keep your legs and feet together.
- Bring your arms in front of your body and keep them straight.
- Raise your arms and torso off the ground.
- When you are comfortable, start lifting your legs off the floor so that only your stomach is resting on the floor.
- The big toes should be turned towards each other while practicing Shalabhasana or the locust pose.
- Close your eyes and relax in this pose.
- Continue to breathe deeply and release the posture, making the body rest on the ground again.
- Bring your arms to rest along the side of the body.
- While practicing Shalabhasana or the locust pose in this position, your scapula or shoulder blades should be pressed against your back.
Ardha Chandrasana or the half-moon pose
Ardha chandrasana is said to cure osteoporotic pain in addition to giving a good stretch to the hamstrings, arms and abdomen.
Steps to practice Ardha Chandrasana or the half-moon pose
- To do this yoga pose for better bones, stand upright on the floor or on your yoga mat with your feet hip-width apart.
- The feet should be parallel to the edges of your mat.
- From this position, extend your arms so that they are parallel to the ground.
- Move your left foot inward slightly and your right foot outward so that your right foot and foot are at a ninety-degree angle and point forward.
- As you inhale, place your left hand on your left hip and while exhaling, bend your right knee as you bring the fingertips of your right hand to the floor while keeping a distance of a few centimeters between your right foot and your fingertips. fingers.
- Stabilize your right foot on the ground and begin to stretch your leg. After the right leg is straight, start lifting the left leg upward while balancing on the right foot and right hand.
- Continue to lengthen your left leg until it reaches straight with your torso.
- From this position, raise your left arm up so that the right and left arms are in a straight line.
- This is the final position of Ardha Chandrasana.
- Continue to inhale and exhale deeply in this position.
- Repeat the same steps on the other side.
Parivrtta Trikonasana or the twist triangle yoga poses for bones health
The Parivrtta Trikonasana or The Revolved Triangle yoga posture helps stimulate bone growth by gently pulling on the hip and bones. It is also very helpful in keeping osteoporotic pain at bay.
- To do this yoga posture for better, stronger, and healthier bone, stand in Tadasana on the yoga mat.
- From Tadasana, spread your feet along one leg.
- Now from this position, rotate the right foot 90 degrees to the right and the left foot slightly to the right foot.
- Make sure that your heels are pressing on the floor and that the weight of your entire body is balanced and distributed on both feet.
- Raise your arms to shoulder height and extend your arms parallel to the floor so that your palms are down.
- Bend your body to the right as you exhale deeply and make sure you don't bend your body. The spine should be straight in this position.
- While keeping your body straight, bend your right knee and raise your left hand and let your right hand touch the ground.
- Both arms should form a straight line while practicing Trikonasana or the triangle pose.
- Allow your head to be in a neutral position so that your gaze is fixed on the left palm while practicing Trikonasana.
- Release the pose by going back upright and practice the asana on the opposite side.
- Practice the asana three or four times from both sides.
Utthita Parsvakonasana or the turned triangle yoga poses for bones health
Steps to practice Utthita Parsvakonasana or the rotated triangle pose
- Stand in Tadasana on the floor or on the yoga mat.
- Spread your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart while exhaling deeply.
- From this position, raise your arms parallel to the floor and take them to the sides with your shoulder blades open and palms down.
- Rotate your left foot slightly to the right and to the right to ninety degrees.
- While performing Utthita Parsvakonasana, one leg is in front and the other behind.
- The back leg should not be bent while practicing the asana.
- The spine must be kept straight while practicing this asana.
- Bend the knee of the front leg and keep it in line with the ankle. Keep your knee straight and perpendicular to the ground.
- Now from this position lift your torso and align it with your back leg.
- Also, take your left arm to touch the ground and raise your right arm toward the ceiling.
- Raise your head and look at your right hand while taking a deep breath.
- Stay in this position for a few breaths.
- Practice Utthita Parsvakonasana also from the other side.
- To release the posture, the back foot must be firmly pressed.
- Exhale while taking the straight posture with your arms pressed at shoulder height
What’s Next
Yoga for Osteoporosis poses.
Trigangular pose yoga with benefits and precautions
Final Words
In this article, we had seen 10 Yoga poses for bones health and keep it stronger and healthier. Do this Yoga poses regularly increase the bone density and avoids the risk of contracting osteoporosis.
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