4 yoga poses for balance and strength for elders

Our ability to balance prevents us from falling while moving or even while standing. Several of our body systems work together to maintain our balance. Below are yoga poses for balance and strength

However, sometimes due to inactivity, old age, injuries, and other conditions, we can lose our balance and that could affect our quality of life in a drastic way.

4 yoga poses for balance and strength for elders

There are several ways to improve balance; Yoga is one of them. We already know that yoga is very effective in treating several conditions and is also beneficial for maintaining a healthy and improved life. There are also some yoga poses that work as real balance exercises and help improve our balance and mobility.

Top 4 yoga poses for balance and strength

Vrikshasana or Tree Yoga poses for balance and strength

Vrikshasana or Tree Yoga poses for balance and strength

The Vrikshasana or Tree posture is a yoga posture that helps improve balance and compromises the central muscles, especially the obliques, in order to maintain proper alignment from head to foot. Joining both hands to prayer (like doing Namaste), helps keep your chest open and also extends the upper back and makes you stand and in a much better posture. Let us know more about the posture of the tree and learn how to do it.

  1. Stand on "Tadasana" or the Mountain posture, placing your feet at a distance from the hip, hands at the sides and palms facing forward.
  2. Slowly move your entire body weight toward your left foot and bend your right knee.
  3. Take your right knee with your left hand and place it against the inner side of your left thigh.
  4. Now, by making your hands come together to form a "Namaste," compromise your entire core.
  5. Focus on any point in front of you and hold it for 2 to 4 breaths.
  6. Now, put your right foot back on the floor.
  7. Repeat the same on the alternative side.

              Virabhadrasana III or Warrior 3 pose for balance and strength

              Warrior 3 pose for balance and strength

              This is a challenging yoga posture where you have to stand on one leg and perform the yoga movement as mentioned below.

              1. Approach the lunge position by placing the right foot just behind you, landing on the ball of the foot and bending the left knee forward, pressing your feet firmly against the ground.
              2. Keep in mind that your right knee should not touch the ground.
              3. At the same time, stretch your left leg while raising your right foot just behind you.
              4. Bend your right foot and imagine that the foot is pressing against the wall behind you. The right leg should be raised and remain aligned with the back and hips so that it is parallel to the floor.
              5. Gather both palms to form the prayer (Namaste posture) and hold for at least 3 breaths.
              6. Move your right foot back to the floor and stand.

              Garudasana or Eagle  pose for balance and strength

              Garudasana or Eagle  pose for balance and strength

              One more yoga movement that works as a great balancing exercise is the Garudasana or the eagle pose. The ligatures that should be performed in this yoga posture help to loosen the joints to achieve a proper balance and improve mobility. The eagle's posture forces the artist to keep the hips square, even when they are swinging on one leg.


              1. Standing in the pose of Tadasana or the mountain.
              2. Make sure the right toes are firmly touching the floor.
              3. Bend your knees slightly and rest your hips back while lifting your left leg and crossing it over your right thigh. You can also cross your left foot around the left calf, if you can.
              4. Now, bring both hands to the level of your eyes and cross the left arm under the right arm.
              5. Then, join the two palms across the left forearm over the left forearm.
              6. Make sure your hips remain square and that the chest is raised and open, so that the head, shoulders and hips are well aligned.
              7. Finally, untie or release your arms and legs, return to the normal position.
              8. Repeat the same on the other side.

              Natarajasana or Ballerina Pose(Dancer's Pose)

              Natarajasana or Ballerina Pose(Dancer's Pose)

              The position of Natarajasana or Dancer can be included in the list of some exercises of better balance. In the Dancer's pose, the main intention is to improve your balance. Doing the posture of the bridge or the position of the boat before the posture of the dancer would be great since they open the hips and also stretch the quadriceps.

              Below are the steps to follow to perform this yoga movement:

              1. Stand in Tadasana or the mountain pose.
              2. Change the entire weight of your body with the left foot and lift the right heel towards the buttocks, while bending the right knee.
              3. Remove your right hand behind you and take the right ankle or the outside of the right foot. Be sure to keep your hips square and your chest raised.
              4. Now, lift your right foot up and back so that the right thigh and right arm are parallel to the floor.
              5. Lift your left arm to your side making sure your palms face the ceiling.
              6. Hold for about 3 breaths and then put your right foot back on the floor.
              7. Repeat the same on the alternative side.

              Final Words

              Now that we know some of the yoga poses for balance and strength, it is the right time for you to start your yoga practice and perform a regular routine to perform these yoga poses and improve your balance. You will benefit if you do this yoga poses under the guidance and supervision of a yoga coach.

              Keep in mind that if you have been inactive for a long time, you have a health problem or if you are an older person; You should check with your doctor before starting any exercise, even if it is yoga.

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